Monday, July 30, 2012

50 Miles

50 miles on the bike today.  Felt pretty good and I can still feel my limbs and use my muscles.  That is not always the case when I use up that much sodium. 
When I ride for more than an hour and a half I seem to see more signs of epilepsy and seizure also so we will see today.  So far so good.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Being epileptic

One of the most irritating things about being epileptic is that if I am anywhere for more than a few minutes my wife wants to know if I am okay.  It is a lot like being a two year old.  Drives me crazy. 
Full time job for my wife.  She has to know where Mia and I are at all times lest we hurt ourselves.

Independence, a thing of the past.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Conical spiral

This is a basic equation for a conical spiral.  

The conical spiral with angular frequency a on a cone of height h and radius r is a space curve given by the parametric equations
The general form has parametric equations
This curve has arc length function, curvature, and torsion given by

I like to dumb it down and call it my life being trapped in time.

Sorry an odd thought but one I couldn't get out of my mind today. You spiral down or you spiral up. No end in sight.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Out on my bike today and I feel like an athlete again, dare I say I feel in good shape.  Then I return to a place of mirrors, my house and then;



Spent the last 8 days in Island Park.  Fantastic.  Not sure the last time I enjoyed something so much.
I have joked with my brothers that if I try and go fishing I could always tie myself to a tree in case of a seizure so that I don't float away.  Probably not a bad idea.  However we fished the Henry's fork quite a bit and I had no seizures nor did I tie myself to a tree.
Perhaps it was the river or the fishing or the relaxing nature of our trip but I felt better than I have felt since all this started back in October.  If not for the daily taking of medication I would have completely forgotten that anything had happened.  I felt as I felt any summer before this one.  As I sit here today, that feeling has not completely gone away.  I hope it never does!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


No change in Trileptal dosage but a change in the size of the pills.  Supposed to be more convenient.  Not good.  Took 300 mg more than I'm supposed to last night.  Needless to say had a very interesting evening.  I'd tell you about it but you would think I'm crazy. One thing I will say.  I was sure I heard water running and I walked around in the rain last night checking each hose over and over until about 1 am.  It is also possible I was in my underwear.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Salt water

Nothing quite like a nice cold glass of ice water filled with table salt on a hot day! Terrible to drink; good on my sodium level. Makes an almost instant difference.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


We've all heard the one about how when life hands you lemons you just make lemonade. 
Nice turn of phrase but how long has it been since any of you have made lemonade out of real lemons?
Probably tougher than it seems.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Count your blessings

Homes burned down people without necessities; count your blessings.

Blind man in a wheelchair on the bus yesterday; count your blessings.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness even if politics are a mess; count your blessings.